It can be a daunting task for parents when seeking a tutor for their child.  Here are 7 questions that may help you seek a tutor to support the learning and well-being of your child.

When seeking a tutor for a child, it can be helpful for a parent to ask the following questions:

  1. What is the tutor's qualifications and experience? It's important to know if the tutor has a degree or certification in the subject they will be teaching, as well as how long they have been tutoring.
  2. What is the tutor's teaching philosophy and approach? Some tutors may use a more traditional approach, while others may use more interactive and hands-on methods. It's important to find a tutor whose teaching style aligns with the child's learning style.
  3. How does the tutor plan to assess the child's progress and provide feedback? It's important to know how the tutor will measure the child's progress and how they will communicate this information to the parent.
  4. What materials will the tutor use during the sessions? It's important to know if the tutor will use a specific curriculum or if they will be creating their own materials.
  5. How will the tutor handle any challenges or issues that arise? It's important to know how the tutor will handle any challenges or issues that arise during the tutoring sessions, such as if the child is struggling with a specific topic or if they are not making progress as expected.
  6. How will the tutor be available to communicate with the parent? It is important to know if the tutor is willing to have regular communication with the parent and how they will be available for it.
  7. What are the tutor's rates and availability? It's important to know how much the tutor charges for their services and if they have a flexible schedule that aligns with the child's schedule.