5 Common Questions Asked by Parents/Guardians at Parent-Teacher Interviews

It take a village to raise a child.  When parents and teachers work as partners, children do better in school and at home.

As a parent, being actively involved in supporting the learning of your child can improve student outcomes and well-being for several reasons:

  1. When parents show an interest in their child's learning, it can improve their motivation and performance in school.
  2. When families are involved in their child's education, they are better able to communicate with teachers about their child's progress and any concerns they may have.
  3. When parents take an active interest in their child's education, it can have a positive impact on their behavior and attendance in school.

When it comes to supporting children and their learning, communication with their teacher is key.  The parent-teacher interview is a great opportunity for educators and parents/guardians to better understand their child's/student's strengths, needs and next steps for support and growth.  

Parents and guardians often ask us what questions they should be asking at parent-teacher interviews.  Rightfully so, education has changed over the years and families are often unfamiliar with updated curriculum, modern pedagogies and technologies, school supports and the current culture of their child's social experiences. To help parents and as well, foster a relationship of collaboration with their child's teacher, here are 5 common question often asked by parents at parent-teacher interviews:

  1. What are my child's strengths and areas for improvement? Asking this question can help parents gain a better understanding of their child's academic and social skills, and can help identify areas where the child may need additional support or guidance.
  2. How can I support my child's learning at home? This question can help parents understand what they can do to support their child's academic progress outside of the classroom. The teacher can offer suggestions for activities or resources that can help reinforce what is being taught in the classroom.
  3. What is my child's academic progress so far this year? This question can help parents understand how their child is performing academically in relation to their peers, and can help identify any areas of concern that may need to be addressed.
  4. What are some areas where my child can be challenged or pushed to excel? This question can help parents identify opportunities for their child to further develop their skills and knowledge. Teachers can suggest ways to challenge the child academically or encourage them to pursue areas of interest.
  5. What can we do to work together to support my child's success? This question can help parents understand how they can work with the teacher to support their child's learning and overall well-being. The teacher can suggest ways for parents to stay informed, get involved, and support their child's learning both at school and at home.